Administration & Support Services
PO Box 500
80 South West Road
Homer, NY 13077
District Office, 607-749-7241
Mr. Thomas M. Turck,
Mr. Michael Falls,
Assistant Superintendent for Management
Office of Instruction, 607-749-1206
Mr. Jeffrey Evener,
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
Special Education Office, 607-749-1226
Mr. Christopher Moore,
Director of Special Education
Athletic Office, 607-749-1213
Mr. Todd Lisi,
Director of Athletics
Buildings & Grounds, 607-749-1234
Jane Sorrell,
Director of Facilities
Technology Office, 607-749-7241 x5033
Mr. Joshuah Finn,
Chief Information/Technology Officer
Transportation Office, 607-749-3873 or 607-749-1221
Ms. Jennifer Fox,
Transportation Supervisor
Central Registration Office, 607-749-7241 - Press 3 or Enter 5041
Kendra Chambers
District Registrar
Cafeteria Office, 607-749-1216
Wendy Swift,
School Lunch Manager
Health Services
High School:
Kristen Hall
Junior High:
Mrs. Susan Thorne
Mrs. Kim Carmichael
Mrs. Janie Connery
Dignity for All Students Coordinators
Homer Elementary Principal Douglas Pasquerella 607-749-1250
Homer Intermediate Principal Stephanie Falls 607-749-1240
Homer Junior High Principal Kara Schneider 607-749-1230
Homer Senior High Principal Douglas Van Etten 607-749-7246
District Sexual Harassment Compliance Officers
Thomas M. Turck, Superintendent of Schools 607-749-7241
Michael J. Falls, Assistant Superintendent for Management 607-749-7241
Title IX Coordinator
Thomas M. Turck, Superintendent of Schools 607-749-7241
Section 504 Coordinator
Christopher G. Moore, Director of Special Education 607-749-1250
District Records Access Officer
Kelli Yacavone, Board of Education Clerk 607-749-7241
Data Protection Officer
Joshuah Finn, Cheif Technology Officer 607-749-7241