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Asbestos Management Plan

The text 'Asbestos Management Plan' in blue with a shadow effect.


Asbestos Notice

Notice of Availability: Asbestos Management Plans

As provided under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA - EPA 40 CFR 763), the Homer Central School District hereby makes known the steps it has undertaken to comply with AHERA and the availability of asbestos management plans.

  1. Beginning in 1989, all district owned facilities were inspected for asbestos and management plans were developed for each building according to the requirements of AHERA. Re inspections are conducted by the District every three years. Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES of Syracuse, N.Y., completed the 2019 AHERA Triennial inspection and update to the asbestos management plans.
  2. Periodic surveillance of asbestos containing building materials is conducted every six months.
  3. All custodial and maintenance staff have undergone two-hour Asbestos Awareness Training.
  4. All response actions taken are within federal and state guidelines.

Management plans may be viewed at the Building & Grounds Office during office hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, please contact the following individual: Jane Sorrell, Director of Facilities (LEA Designee) at 607-749-1234.