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Health & Safety

  • The school district makes every effort to maintain its buildings, grounds, and equipment in a proper fashion; to provide for proper and adequate supervision of its students and employees; and to see that its citizens are instructed in safety procedure. The school district instructs and certifies many personnel in first aid and CPR. Even so, accidents will happen.

    In the event of an accident, the following procedures should be followed. The accident must be reported to the building principal’s office or the building nurse’s office. You will receive a brochure which outlines the coverage available through the school district accident insurance policy. You will make out a report on a form provided by the nurse and receive a letter which explains the procedures to be followed. Please bear in mind that, generally, claims and legal actions must be done within prescribed deadlines. You must also keep bills and receipts in order to submit appropriate proof when making a claim.

    The school’s accident insurance is designed to pick up where private medical insurance coverage leaves off. All medical bills should be submitted to your own insurance carrier first. The insurance provides for accidents only and with certain limitations. It does not provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance and does not provide coverage for sickness. It does cover school-related accidents only after your own medical insurance has been claimed against, when they are incurred while attending school during the hours and on the days when school is in session. It also covers certain prescribed times when a student is being transported directly to and from school for regular school days and for certain other activities or events. A $25 deductible applies to this policy.

  • New York State Education Law states that all children between the ages of 6 and 16 years in proper physical and mental condition shall receive full time instruction in a public, private, or parochial school. In addition, regular attendance is a prerequisite for students to achieve to their maximum potential. Parents are encouraged to make sure that their child attends school and to support the school’s effort to eliminate truancy or absence for non-essential reasons.

    Absences—In accordance with the Laws of New York State and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, the following are legal reasons for absence in Homer Central Schools. No other reasons are accepted as legal for absences.

    1. Personal illness
    2. Illness or death in family
    3. Remedial health treatment (doctor, dentist, etc.)
    4. Required appearance in court
    5. Religious observance
    6. Approved music lessons
    7. Approved college visitation
    8. Impassable roads or weather
    9. Approved cooperative work program

    Upon returning to school, a student who was absent must give his/her homeroom teacher a note signed by a parent/guardian stating the reason for the absence. Students may be excused for short periods of time during the day for dental and other medical appointments. Parents have the responsibility of informing the school of any anticipated extended absence. This should be done so arrangements can be made prior to the absence for make-up work.

  • When schools are closed because of weather conditions or other emergencies, early morning announcements will be made over the following radio and television stations:



    On certain rare occasions, emergency conditions such as impending storms, etc., may necessitate dismissal of students before regular school closing time. In such an event, efforts will be made to have the emergency closing announced on the radio and television stations listed above. In order to ensure that your child will be properly cared for if no one is at home, please make arrangements at the beginning of the school year so that your child will be assured of shelter when arriving home. Please be sure to carefully explain all of these arrangements to your child.

    When dangerous road conditions exist, we will make every attempt to return the students as close to their regular bus stop as possible.

  • In case of illness or injury, a student will be sent home from school when the parent or legal guardian has been reached by phone and appropriate arrangements are made for his/her transportation from school. If the school nurse is unable to reach the parent or guardian, the authorized family emergency contacts will be notified.

    In the event of a serious injury or illness in school, appropriate first aid will be provided by the school nurse, and the parent or legal guardian will be contacted by phone. It is then the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to obtain subsequent treatment for the child. In the event that a parent or legal guardian cannot be contacted, or the injury is of an extremely serious nature, the school nurse may, at her discretion, have the student transported to the nearest emergency room by ambulance.

    An Emergency Release Form for Authorization of Treatment should be on file in the health office for each student. These forms may be obtained from the school nurse in each school building. Please update the health offices with names and phone numbers of persons who are authorized to act on the parent/guardian's behalf.

  • New York State Education Law requires a physical exam of children when they:

    1. Enter a school district at any grade level
    2. Are in grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
    3. Participate in interscholastic sports (required yearly)
    4. Need working papers
    5. Are referred by/to the Committee of Special Education
    6. Are deemed necessary by school authorities to determine a child's education program 
  • You are welcome in our schools at any time. All visitors (including parents) should go directly to the school office and report your presence and reason for being in the building. This request is made to aid you, to prevent the interruption of classes, and to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering the schools. Adults wishing to speak with students other than their own children must receive clearance from the student’s parents as well as the building administrator.