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Health Services Home

All medication stored in the nurse's office needs to be picked up at the end of the year. We are unable to store medication over the summer.


Homer Central School District Health Services

The goal of Homer School Health Services Program is to keep students healthy and in an optimal condition for learning, growing and developing. A Registered Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse is on staff and provides health services to the students in the Elementary School. The nurses are there to assure the health and safety and to promote the well-being of all of the children in the school. The school health series program is directed by the Nurse Coordinator in consultation with the School Physician.


Health Care Communication

Keeping students healthy and safe requires good communication between school nurses and students, their guardians, teachers, other school staff and health care providers in the community. For that reason, we ask you to provide the following:

  • Telephone and cell phone numbers where parents/guardians can be reached; updated as necessary.
  • Names of two relatives or friends who can act for the parents/guardians in case they cannot be reached in an emergency.
  • The name of the student's health care provider.

All encounters with school nurses are documented in student's confidential electronic medical record. School nurses communicate about visits with parents and guardians when medical follow up is needed (even if child remains at school) or other matters that they feel guardians should be aware of.


School Health Services - Screenings

The district's School Health Services program supports your student's academic success by promoting health in the school setting. One way that we provide care for your student is by performing the health screenings as mandated by the State of New York.

During this school year, the following screenings will be required or completed at school:



  • Distance acuity for all newly entering students, and students in Pre-K or Kindergarten, and grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.
  • Near vision acuity and color perception screening for all newly entering students.



  • Hearing screening for all newly entering students, and students in Pre-K or Kindergarten, and grades 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11.



  • Scoliosis (spinal curvature) screening for all female students in grades 5 and 7, and all male students in grade 9.


Health Appraisals

  • A physical examination including Body Mass Index and Weight Status Category Information is required for all newly entering students, and students in Pre-K or Kindergarten, and grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.


Dental Certificates

  • A Dental certificate is requested for all newly entering students, and students in Pre-K or Kindergarten, and grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.

A letter will be sent home if there are any findings on the screening done at school that would cause concern or need medical follow-up. Please call the school's Health Office if you have any questions or concerns.



New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164, requires all school children to be adequately immunized. Immunization records are due when the child starts school. They must be in the nurse's office within 14 days of school entry for a child living in New York State or within 30 days of entry for a child coming from outside New York State.