Code 2A09 Page 8, No.2 – e Emergency escape windows are properly identified by appropriate signs.
*This code tells us to keep all rescue window decals clear for reading. The decals cannot be covered, not even partially covered.
Code 4A10 Page 8, No.2 – f Emergency escape windows are free of obstructing bars, screens, grilles. This includes items such as Chairs, Desk’s, plants, bookcases, cubbies etc…
*This code tells us that we need a clear path to the rescue window. Also do not hang combustible materials on or above the rescue window.
Code 4B24 Page 13, No.5 – b Student art displays in areas of public assembly and associated exit ways are affixed directly to non-combustibles wall surfaces, are kept at least two feet from ceilings, 10 feet from exits, and do not exceed 20% of the wall surface.
*This code tells us to keep from hanging combustible material from a ceiling in a hallway. This code also states the need to cover as less possible wall space, in a hallway for combustible material, as possible @ 20%. That means if a wall space is 10 feet by 10 feet you can only use a space of 4 feet by 5 feet for artwork unless it is rated fireproof.
Wires suspended below a classroom ceiling for the purpose of hanging student artwork are acceptable provided that they comply with the following:
1. Do not present an entanglement or entrapment hazard for individuals walking through the room, i.e. wires maintained 7 feet or higher in aisle way;
2. Do not obstruct the view to the Rescue Window or any exit door;
3. Are not hung from lighting fixtures;
4. Are not fastened to a drop ceiling grid or into ceiling tiles
It was further communicated that student artwork can be regarded as a temporary decoration, versus a permanent item, i.e. curtains, drapes, hangings and other decorative items, and as such would not need to be fire resistant or non-combustible.
Additionally, a recommendation that wires not be hung in front or across the classroom door and that adequate clearance in front of the door is maintained, i.e. 8 feet.
Exits – All exits, including backstage exits, Auditorium exits and the exit pathway to the exterior must be kept clear and unobstructed. neral Safety – Attention to housekeeping and general safety should be maintained. Theatrical instructors/event coordinators should include the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds and OCM BOCES Safety & Health staff as they plan and construct stage sets and scenery.
Code 4C07 Page 15, No.4 – a Written procedures for evacuation of the facility are conspicuously posted in an appropriate location.
*Our exit plans are located next to the door of each room. If lost or missing the exit plan must be replaced.
Code 4E13 Page 17, No.4 – e Extension cords are not used in place of permanent, fixed wiring and use of such cords is minimal with no “octopus” outlets.
*This code states minimal usage of a heavy duty extension cord. This means for temporary usage such as a projector, or a slide show, or computer, anything that will be unplugged after each use. Smaller extension cords shall not be used.
Cords/Extension Cords - Extension cords must be used for temporary purposes, not as permanent wiring and be should be unplugged at the end of each day.
* Damaged or frayed cords/plugs must be taken out of service. Do not tape over damage.
* Cords must be equipped with the proper grounding prong (3rd prong).
* Cords must not be hung from ceilings, walls, or run through a wall.
* Extension cords or multi-strips cannot be daisy-chained.
* Three-to-two prong adapters, and cheater plugs, (i.e. ‘two-ways’, ‘three-ways’ or ‘six-packs’) are not allowed.
* Fuse protected multi-strips are OK. Plug them directly into an outlet and not into an extension cord.
Code 7G11 Page 24, No.4 – a Storage of flammable and combustible liquids other than oil for heating is limited to amounts reasonably necessary for maintenance, demonstration, treatment, laboratory work, and equipment operation.
Code 5G12 Page 24, No.4 – b Storage at other than the point of use is in either 1-hour fire-rated storage cabinets (5 gallon maximum container, 120 gallon maximum total ), or a 1-hour fire-rated storage room.
*Flammable material will be marked on each container. The only time a flammable material shall be used is for demonstration purposes or as listed above. When usage is completed each day the flammable material must be in a proper flammable cabinet for storage.
Open Flames – SED states that open flames shall not be used or allowed in connection with a public meeting or in school buildings in general (except as allowed in Science Labs or Home & Careers).
Fire Retardant Paint/Lumber – Clear color fire retardant paint is available. Treat both sides of scenery backing and then paint with latex paint. Do not use oil based paints. Fire retardant lumber is available and may be more expensive but more convenient as an entire wood set does not save to be fire treated afterwards. SED has in the past requested that a school provide a paid fire watch by local fire department where stage sets were not fire treated. Use non-combustible materials where possible.