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Additional Resources

  • Please be aware of your rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Any student 18 years of age or the eligible parent or guardian of any student under 18 years of age shall have the right to:

    • review records
    • appeal records that they feel to be incorrect
    • have limited control over the dissemination of student information
    • report FERPA violations to the State Education Department
    • be informed of their FERPA rights

    “Directory information” may be made available for bona fide purposes to outside parties such as colleges, newspapers, and social service agencies. Any eligible student or parent wishing to limit the availability of directory information must do so within 14 days of this notification by contacting the student’s guidance counselor (High School and Junior High) or the building principal (Intermediate School, Homer Elementary, and Hartnett Elementary).

    The Homer Central School classifies the following student information as “Directory Information”:

    1. name, address, and telephone number
    2. parents’ names and address(es)
    3. class designation
    4. date and place of birth
    5. participation in school clubs, activities, and sports
    6. weight and height of members of athletic teams
    7. dates of attendance
    8. degrees and awards received
    9. most recent educational institution or agency attended by student
    10. student’s picture
  • A number of tests are administered throughout the school year. The State Education Department requires the district to give examinations in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, and technology education. To supplement the tests required by the state, the district administers tests as well. Your child’s principal will notify you when all of these scheduled tests will be given. You will be provided with the results of all these tests.

    Children should be told that while these tests are important, the tests are not going to affect their grades or cause them to fail. The tests are designed to determine how well the school is doing and what needs to be improved. They should be advised to look upon the test as another activity in their classroom and not as a major concern. Your confidence and assurance will go a long way in easing any tension and anxiety your child might have about the testing experience.

    Be sure your child gets a good night’s rest and eats a normal breakfast on the day of the test. Most of the tests are given over a two day period so students can have as normal a day as possible.

  • Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for kindergarten through eighth grade following the end of the first ten-week marking period. Conferences at the high school are scheduled as needed. These conferences are an important and valuable part of pupil reporting procedures.

    The value of a parent/teacher conference comes from a frank and honest exchange of information which can help both parties have a better understanding of the child’s abilities, needs, and experiences which have formed the child’s background to date, and the aspirations which will form his/her education in the future.

    To help realize this value we offer the following suggestions:

    • Please plan to keep the conference schedule.
    • If you are unable to keep your appointment, kindly notify the school as soon as possible. We will gladly arrange another appointment.
    • If at all possible, please make arrangements to come to the conference without the child or other children unless your child’s attendance is expected.
    • Before attending the conference, you may find it helpful to make a list of things you wish to discuss with the teacher.
  • Each and every student in the Homer schools will be instructed and assisted to enable him or her to achieve scholastic, personal, and social success. While each child has a right to an education, he or she also has the responsibility to conduct him or herself in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of others to an education. Students will be instructed in and should demonstrate responsibility for their conduct and personal standards which include courtesy and respect to oneself and others, honesty and integrity, and respect for one’s own property and the person and property of others. One of the goals of education in Homer schools is self-discipline and accepting responsibility for one’s own actions.

  • The use of school facilities is governed by the Board of Education. District facilities are available for outside use as long as such use does not interfere with district educational programs and is allowable by law. Organizations wishing to use school facilities should complete a Facility Use request form from the main page of the school's website. Requests for facility use should be made well in advance of the desired date in order to allow for resolving scheduling conflicts.

    A fee will be charged if the building use results in increased costs to the district. Organizations using school facilities will be held responsible for any damages resulting from their use.

    When school is not in session, including weather-related closings, our facilities are closed for all activities.