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School Community Association

Homer Intermediate SCA

The School Community Association (SCA) Intermediate is open to all staff, families and community members. Their mission is to work together and raise money to be able to provide extracurricular events for the students, support the material needs of the teachers, show appreciation to all staff members, fund field trips and class picnics, sponsor the PARP (Pals As Reading Partners) program, fund HASE (Homer After School Enrichment) opportunities, host guest speakers, sponsor family events on and off campus and have a true passion for making the school year the best it can be!  The success is completely dependent on the volunteers that are able to commit some of their time over the course of the school year.  They do have a Facebook page for up to date information and can be reached at New members are always welcome so don’t hesitate to join anytime throughout the school year.  

2022-2023 Officers and Board Members 

President- Julia Maslin
Vice President- Michelle Marshall

Treasure- Casey Avery
Secretary- Stephanie Eddy
Social Media Secretary- Amanda Pendock
Auditor- Jennifer Myrto

Board Members

Jen Berthelot

Emily Conner
Allison Merkur

SCA Email:
Join the conversation! Find us on Facebook!

SCA Events

* There are a wide variety of ways to become involved in the Intermediate School SCA.

* Please consider volunteering for one or more event.

* Event chairpersons are also needed. Please consider volunteering to chair/co-chair an event.

* Below is a list of events sponsored by the SCA:

  • Staff Appreciation Week
  • Bus Driver Appreciation
  • Author Visits/Special Speakers
  • Book Fairs
  • Field Trips
  • Family Nights
  • Yearbooks
  • Field Days
  • Teacher request for special equipment/supplies
  • Homer After School Enrichment (HASE)
  • Pals As Reading Partners (PARP)

You can also help support these events by:

  • Collecting Box Tops
  • Sign- up your Tops and Price Chopper Card to support the school
  • Participate in SCA Fundraiser