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Get Involved

Below you will find District committees and groups created to support the mission of the district. Please reach out to the group contact or chair to get involved. 

Each building may have other opportunities to volunteer as well. Please reach out to building principals for more information. 


District/Building Committee




District Classroom Technology Advisory Group (C-TAG)

Meets quarterly/ as needed

Periodic evaluations (quarterly or semi-annually) of the District Technology Plan are conducted to determine if a change in direction is needed to more effectively support the goals of the district. Any program change or hardware replacement, maintenance or increase will be done in conjunction with these evaluations through a collaborative effort between District Administration, Curriculum, Technology Offices along with representatives from stakeholder groups (K-12 teachers, support staff, parents, and if appropriate, students.) The Classroom Technology Advisory Group (C-Tag) meets regularly and is comprised of the groups above. Management of this plan is the charge of this group.

Students, Community, Board of Education, Staff, Administrators

Josh Finn,
Chief Information Technology Officer
607-749-7241 x5033

District Community Engagement Committee

Meets bi-monthly

The charge of the Community Engagement Task Force is to analyze and investigate how the district currently communicates with all members of the school community and approaches used to engage community members resulting in increased, meaningful community engagement in all aspects of the district. In order to accomplish this, the Task Force will comprehensively review best practices and research in the area of community engagement.

Students, Community, Board of Education, Staff, Administrators


 Thomas M. Turck,

Josh Finn,
Chief Information Technology Officer
607-749-7241 x5033 

District Facilities Committee

 Meets quarterly/as needed

The District, through proper financial planning and adherence to the belief that capital improvements must be done on a routine basis, will strive to make financial resources available to maintain and improve the buildings and grounds, which showcases the community’s pride in its schools. The District will maintain an active district-wide facilities committee to review and make recommendations annually to the Board of Education about facility needs of the District.

Students, Community, Board of Education, Staff, Administrators

Michael Falls,
Assistant Superintendent for Management


District Instructional Leadership Council (ILC)

Meets monthly

In order to achieve our mission for excellence for all students, the District must provide all students a guaranteed, viable curriculum aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards with an articulated network of support and increased opportunities for academic enrichment. Homer’s Instructional Leadership Council shall oversee district-wide planning and procedure implementation for all facets of teaching and learning. In order to do this well, we need to have protocols for professionals; (i.e., for adoption of new courses, for dissolution of courses, for adapting courses to align with the common core.) By having clear procedures and a strong Instructional Leadership Team, HCSD will be able to achieve our mission for excellence for all students.

Students, Community, Board of Education, Staff, Administrators

Jeffrey Evener
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction



District Professional Learning Committee (PLC)

Meets quarterly/as needed

Homer Central School District plans professional learning in consultation with its Professional Learning Committee (PLC), a subcommittee of the Instructional Leadership Council, in order to increase educator effectiveness and results for all students. It is the mission of the PLC to promote and support excellent instruction by providing leadership and direction, varied opportunities, and incentives for staff members to continue professional development throughout their careers in a safe, supportive environment.

Staff, Administrators, Board of Education

Jeffrey Evener
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction

District Safety Committee

 Meets quarterly/as needed

The main purpose of the safety committee is to assist in the investigation and disposition of health and safety related complaints – such as facility, indoor air quality, pest management, construction issues, etc.

The committee must be expanded during a school construction project to actually monitor safety during the project. The expanded committee must then include the project architect, construction manager, and contractors.

Community, Board of Education, Staff, Administrators

Michael Falls,
Assistant Superintendent for Management

District Social-Emotional Committee

 Meets quarterly/as needed

The Social-Emotional Health Task Force will assess current needs, analyze and investigate current procedures and identify protocols and curriculums to meet the social-emotional health needs of the school community.

Students, Community, Board of Education, Staff, Administrators


Christopher Moore,
Director of Special Education,

Douglas Pasquerella,
Elementary Principal,

District SPEAK UP Cortland

Meets monthly

To spread awareness to prevent suicide in our Cortland County communities. Work is done through trainings, publications and community outreach.

County-wide Community committee 

Douglas Pasquerella, Elementary Principal,

District Student Engagement Committee

 Meets quarterly/as needed

The Student Engagement Task Force will review and investigate how the district engages students in the classroom and school community to ensure all learners are meaningfully engaged in classroom learning, have opportunities to participate in out of school activities and are involved in making decisions about student life. In order to accomplish this, the Task Force will comprehensively review best practices and research.

Students, Community, Board of Education, Staff, Administrators

Jeffrey Evener
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction

Health Advisory Committee

Meets 5 times a year

The purpose of the committee is to assist with the development of health policies in schools, evaluation of the status of school health, health education, the school environment and health services. 


Staff, Administrators, School health personnel, representatives from Community Health organizations, and Parents


Barb Bachman,


Site-Based Teams

 Meets quarterly/as needed

Meet to look at data and discuss improvements at the school level

The Homer School District’s staff and residents believe that the school program can be improved through the process of all interested parties sharing ideas and participating in making some decisions. Site-based teams operate in each building in the district. These teams are charged with setting the priorities and goals for the building for the year, making recommendations to the Board of Education, and determining standards for the building.


Students, Parents, Community, Staff, Administrators


Douglas Pasquerella,
Elementary Principal,

Stephanie Falls,
Intermediate Principal,

Kara Schneider,
Junior High Principal

Douglas VanEtten,
High School Principal

Elementary PTO


If you have a child or children in the Homer Elementary (K-2) building, you are a member of the PTO. The PTO is your child's Parent & Teacher Organization. We exist to help make the child's school experience a positive one. To accomplish this goal, we rely on parent and teacher involvement. You are welcome to come to any PTO meeting, come be on a committee, or chair an event, or just listen and add your input. PTO Meetings are held the first Monday of every month in the Elementary School conference room.

Parents, Staff, Administrators 


President Jon Hoepfinger
VP Richalle Cicioni
Secretary Reva Morse
Treasure Amy Kida
Social Media Allison Merkur

Intermediate SCA

Meets as needed

The SCA is your child’s School Community Association. We exist to make the children’s school experience a positive one!  If you have a child in the Homer Intermediate School, you are a member of the SCA. There are no membership fees. However, we need parent involvement.

Parents, Staff, Administrators 


President Kristina Welsch
VP Allison Merkur
Secretary Amy Kida
Treasure Casey Avery

Junior High SCA

Meets as needed

The School Community Association (SCA) is the Junior High's parent organization that helps to support school events and enrich our students' educational experience.  Currently the SCA has one fundraiser a year to support our main objective, providing fun activities for our students.  Each year the SCA needs parent volunteers to help organize and attend various school events such as Open House, Activity Night, teacher appreciation breakfast/brunch, etc. 

 Parents, Staff, Administrators



Junior High Building Safety Committee

We review Emergency plans and discuss any needed improvements

Staff, Parents

Kara Schneider,
Junior High Principal


Please contact us if you are a part of another group affiliated with the district that we may have missed. 

If you would like to help out in the classroom, please work with the building principal and fill out our Volunteer Form.